Wednesday 24 August 2011

Fun weekend

Well i went out with the girls at the weekend we started of in the local down the road which is bit of a blokey pub but i know the landlord well know and he makes us all feel really welcome, its kind of like the pub above in styling just not as tall.

We then headed into town after an hour or so in there. it wasnt really a late night but we where all back to mine for 1. slightly tipsy but not falling over haha.

There was quite a few people in town and loads of people wearing gio goi tops but they where quite colourful and still tasteful.

I'm not sure about going out this weekend coming as i'll be a little strapped for cash so it might just be a lazy weekend

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Last Night Wine & Rioting

Well i went out for a few drinks with some of my friends and we where sat out side BanYan under one of those fancy heaters and it was lovely and warm. I had a few glasses of wine and then headed home about 8.30. i walked past my favourite handbag shop which seels a range of handbags including my favourite's fiorelli handbags theres a couple of larger style shoulder bags that i'd like to buy but i think i'll have to wait a month till i have some spare cash.

I flicked on the news to checkout all this rioting and it was just doing a summary style report so i went for a quick shower and nheaded for bed. Then when i jumped back into bed there where fires everywhere, the tv set had me glued to it for well over an hour.

Monday 8 August 2011


Hi Everyone

I'm lynette and this is my brand new blog. I'm going to be blogging my latest going ons here and well not there just here.
